Epic 40,000 Painting: Thousand Sons & Feral Ork Horde

 Oh dear.

Almost a year since I updated this blog, and my Epic project almost became extinct. I became very angry at (what I thought) lack of talent and progress, along with the GW attitude towards this system (the 'walk in to gw and mention 6mm' standard horror story that everyone has heard here before) and boxed this lot up, thinking that I would come to terms that my epic ork horde project was over.

I dabbled a bit with warhammer fantasy, brought a 40k dark eldar force and after a couple of months, hated it all.

When a couple of months ago my other half demanded to know what I was going to do with all the epic stuff in boxes that was in her way. Ebay I said. She was miffed. She had spent a lot of money on them for me and was hoping that I was going to paint her an army.

She wanted a blue army of some kind with some thing 'Egyptiany'. So I pulled out a box of the old style chaos and got to work on them. Brought some new brushes (50 quids worth of W&N S7's- best purchase I have ever made, they are fantastic, and make me feel like a 'proper artist'!

I'm painting very slowly. I have almost finished 6 stands (and a few warmaster mins) in about 2 months- far to slow to make army, but Ive not been so relaxed in years- perfect for my well being, and perfect for keeping up with my favourite scale! (Though my photographic skills have not improved)


My 1k-sons leader base. Need to tidy up the outer base, and I'm thinking of adding a few highlights to the green and yellows as the washes took away a bit much of the brightness. I need to add something the rock face behind as well- It looked great when primed but looks empty now its painted!

The flamers are glossy IRL, I think the gloss really makes them look other worldly, and I will have to do the same to the dogs in the large base.  


The marines are two to a base- I intend to go between 2 and 3's per stand to maximise the amount of bases I can make. I want to have enough to do a 3-4k 1ksons army as well a iron sons or nurgle army for myself, with out having to buy any more minis. 

With my new enthusiasm for painting again Ive restarted on my space orcs. I love the boar boy but was annoyed when I found I had left a huge mould line on his head! Oh well, I really enjoyed working on them!

I spent a bit of time working on the headlight of the bike, painting it like high elf gems and glossing it- its just a shame I couldn't get a good shot of it, but looking forward to using the technique on a much larger model. I had put off painting the type of effect before but it was surprisingly easy on such a small area.

I was also lucky enough to grab a box set of the epic 40k box set on eBay for £25- it had a lot of the card stock parts missing but contained the terrain (which I was in desperate need for!) the rule books and for a ton load of orks (way more then what came in the original box!) as well as a bunch of plastic marines (but no tanks) and some other odds and ends. Bargain!

