Epic 40,000 Ork Horde Conversions (Pt3) Ork Bad Moon Nob in Mega Armour

Just a quick post today.

Wanted to start undercoating what I had done so far but as the rain has not stopped, instead decided to try making a nob in mega armour. Just waiting for the glue to completely dry then I will clean him up a bit and finish carving the edge's on the claw.

Epic 40,000 Ork Horde Conversion Ork Bad Moon Nob in Mega Armour

Missing a couple of rivets but will add them next time I want to make a batch of these at once. Have not added any detailing to the back, as I did not think it was worth it as I don't think you will see much once the rest of the minis are on the base as well.

Not sure if I will make more to go on one base or just mix them in with the original minis, because he was very time consuming- watched a whole animated batman DVD while making him!
